
  • Release date : Oct 20 2018 - 09:42
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Dr. Aghajani, Chancellor of university, meets Mr. Guillum Huard, Regional Health Advisor of France for Middle East


On July 23, 2018, Mr. Guillum Huard, along with the French Embassy's delegation, were the guest of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. After attending a meeting at the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs office and visiting the Institute for Endocrine Sciences, and Institute of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, the French delegation met with Dr. Aghajani, the Chancellor of the university at the university headquarters. At the meeting, the Chancellor of the university welcomed Mr. Guillum Huard and the guests with the comprehensive introduction of the university, and then introduced a comprehensive health promotion plan, which currently 11 million people are covered by health insurance. Dr. Aghajani said: "By reducing the share of patients paying from 37% to 8% of health care costs and improving the quality of services in state-run medical centers, we are now seeing a dramatic increase in patient satisfaction. He also announced that monthly payments for health care personnel are based on their performance, which has led to an improvement in the motivation of healthcare personnel. He also pointed to the special attention paid to fertility centers in encouraging young couples to have normal delivery at well-equipped health centers, with the efforts made to establish and rehabilitate hospitals throughout the country to equip the country's emergency medicine with the fleet and strengthen the fleet by purchasing new equipment and cars. 

Referring to the memorandum of understanding with the Paris Descartes University and the Paris Hospital (AP-HP), the joint emergency medicine diploma course and the certification of the AP-HP Paris  was given to a number of emergency medicine specialist in the country. Dr. Aghajani emphasized the need for a serious follow-up of this collaborative effort. He expressed hope that scientific and educational projects with France would be developed and strengthened in the near future. Also, according to the experience in assembling diagnostic laboratories on the establishment of a reference and central laboratory, he emphasized the experience of the French state in this regard, as well as the will of the university to establish a Simulator Center for medical students, and he expressed his hope that the cooperation of the French centers would be beneficial. 

Dr. Aghajani thanked the French ambassador to Iran for his longstanding support and said that the long-standing friendship between Iran and France could play a significant role in advancing the academic goals of the two countries.


Further, Dr. Ziaei, the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs mentioned thatdespite the unfair sanctions, universities in the country have grown at a global and regional level, and pointed out that despite the existing difficulties, Iran has managed to rank fifteenth in the world for science production and ranked first at the regional level. He expressed his hope that with the help of France, Iran could play a role as an effective scientific hub in the Middle East. Dr. Ziaei also appreciated and thanked Dr. Heshmati, and finally, Dr. Faizi, the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs announced that the Iran-France Scientific and Medical Collaboration Office is ready to facilitate and strengthen the scientific cooperation between the two countries. 

At the end of this one day visit, Mr. Guillum Huard visited the Department of Urology and Kidney transplant of the university at Shahid Labafinejad hospital. 

The following were present for this one day visit:  Dr. Faizi, Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, Dr. Ziaee, Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, Dr. Heshmati, Director of IFSCO, Dr. Ghannati, Director of Education and Research of the International Affairs and Coordinator of IFSCO. Dr. Mafi, International Advisor. Mr. Pourbabaei, Expert of France at the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Dr. Habibi, Office Consultant of IFSCO and Ms. Ebadi, International Expert at the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.


  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 65047